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Heat Sealers for Coffee Bags

A popular question we have been asked lately is, “What bag sealer is right for sealing coffee bags?” Well, we have to think of some factors concerning sealing coffee bags first. What kind of material is the bag made of? How thick is the bag? How large is the bag? Are the contents of the bag easily spilled? When we answer these questions the perfect heat sealer for coffee bags should be clear.

Coffee bags are more often than not made of or lined with foil. This automatically rules out the use of impulse sealers because impulse sealers do not reach the melting point of foil bags. Now we know that we need some sort o...

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Heat Sealer - 12" Automatic Single/Double Impulse Heat Sealer, 5mm
Heat Sealer - 12" Automatic Single/Double Impulse Heat Sealer, 5mm


Item No: 100210

Product: Heat Sealer - 12" Automatic Single/Double Impulse Heat Sealer, 5mm

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A single/double automatic heat sealer is a great heat sealer for closing thick bags. The heat sealer has 2 wires, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower jaw. If you are sealing a really thick bag you can turn on both wires to generate enough heat to seal the bag. If you then need to close thinner bags you flip a switch and only one element heats up. This way you do not melt your thinner bags. This automatic impulse heat sealer is very versatile for sealing a spectrum of bags. Because these machines can be purchased in 5mm or 10mm wire you can really tackle a heavy bag. Please let us know if you have questions about this product. It is always best if you have a very thick bag to send us a sample to test. At Boatman Marking we have a range of heat sealers and impulse heat sealers for all your applications.


PDF PDF Diagram including parts schematic (1880 KB)

Product specifications
Product Type: Poly Bag Sealers
Unit of Measure: each
Minimum Order Quantity: 1
Minimum Order Quantity for Calculation: 1
Quantity: each
Seal Length: 12"
Seal Thickness: 20 mil
Seal Width: 5 mm